Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Reason We're Tardy

We're tardy in posting our pic a shirt winners.

But I can explain.

See, we got a new dog three weeks before Christmas so my duck obsessed husband would have a duck hunting buddy. His name is Buddy. :-)

Buddy is a gorgeous red haired yellow lab. His formal name is White Rock's Buddy Red on Green. Here he is in all his cuteness. He is sophisticated and appreciates a high cotton thread count.

And here he is with the boys.
Isn't he a hottie?

We love him.
But he is 12 months old and he is tearing up my house. And there's dog hair everywhere....because he's a lab...and they shed at the start of spring. So I've been picking up dog hair for a month.

So, that's why we're tardy.
But with that said, here we go:
Two pic a shirt winners for January and February.

This is Heather and her cute little munchkin.

And this is Rachel and her little helper Ethen.

Congrats Girls. Pick a shirt and let us know!